Loads a database engine (DBE).
Sets or returns the current database engine (DBE).
Removes a loaded database engine (DBE) from main memory.
Evaluates a code block for each record in a work area.
Exports data from a work area into a new file.
Returns the alias name of the current work area.
Returns the filter condition currently set for a work area.
Sets the record pointer to the last logical record.
Moves the record pointer to a percent position in a work area
Positions the record pointer to a specific record.
Sets the record pointer to the first logical record.
Imports data from a file into a work area.
Sets or returns information about a work area (database object).
Retrieves the code block associated with a work area.
Combines records from two work areas and writes the result to a new
Displays records from a work area.
Defines a condition for a sequential search and performs the search.
Checks if a table lock is set.
Physically removes records marked as deleted from a file.
Returns the position of the record pointer as a percent value
Removes deletion flag for a record (recalls the record).
Forces refresh of all internal cache buffers of current work area
Registers an object to receive messages from a work area.
Rebuilds open index files in a work area.
Returns the linking expression of a relation.
Transfers an alias name from the current work space into the Zero space.
Transfers an alias name from the Zero space into the current work space.
Reactivates notifications being sent from a work area to registered objects.
Reactivates notifications being sent from a work area to registered objects.
Returns a list of relation names defined for child work areas.