Constant | Description |
SCOPE_BOTH | Specifies top and bottom scope values. |
SCOPE_BOTTOM | Specifies the bottom scope value |
SCOPE_TOP | Specifies the top scope |
Function DbScope() Foundation
Checks if a scope is set in a work area.
DbScope( [<nScope>] ) --> xScope | aScopeBoth | lIsScope
The return value of DbScope() depends on the passed parameter:
Parameter | Description |
no parameter | Returns .T. (true) if a scope is defined, otherwise .F. (false) |
SCOPE_BOTH | Returns an array with two elements holding the top and bottom scope values. If either scope is not defined, the corresponding array element contains the value NIL. |
SCOPE_BOTTOM | Returns the bottom scope value, or NIL if no bottom scope is set. |
SCOPE_TOP | Returns the top scope value, or NIL if no top scope is set. |
The function DbScope() is used to check if a scope is set in a work area and what values the top and bottom scope are set to.
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