Function DbSetScope() Foundation

Sets scope values for logical or physical orders.

DbSetScope( <nScope>, <xValue> ) --> NIL
A #define constant listed in STD.CH must be used for <nScope>.
Constants for scopes
Constant Description
SCOPE_BOTH Specifies top and bottom scope.
SCOPE_BOTTOM Specifies the bottom scope
SCOPE_TOP Specifies the top scope
This parameter defines the value for the scope specified with <nScope>. When SCOPE_BOTH is passed for <nScope>, <xValue> is used for the top and bottom scope.
<xValue> must have the same data type as the index key or must be a numeric specifying a record number when no controlling index is active.

The return value of DbSetScope() is always NIL.


A scope is used to quickly specify a range of records in a database. Only those records whose scope values lie within the range of the top and bottom scope values are visible. Refer to SET SCOPE for a detailed explanation about scopes.


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