Function DbeUnload() Foundation
Removes a loaded database engine (DBE) from main memory.
DbeUnload( <cDBEname> ) --> lSuccess
The return value of DbeUnload() is .T. (true) if the specified DBE could be removed from memory. Otherwise it is .F. (false).
The function DbeUnload() removes a database engine (DBE) from memory when it is no longer needed. No file can be open in any work area managed by this DBE. The command CLOSE DATABASES should be executed, if necessary, before the call to DbeUnload(). If one or more files dependent on the DBE are still open, the DBE cannot be released.
If the DBE to be released is a component DBE, no compound DBE can still exist containing this component DBE.
In Xbase++, DBEs can be loaded as required at runtime and then released. Loading occurs using the function DbeLoad() which is the counterpart of DbeUnload(). Using DBEs, an Xbase++ application can access different file formats (see the chapter "The Xbase++ Database Engine"in the Xbase++ documentation).
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