Returns the Get object that has input focus.
Retrieves the global application object.
Applies the key code result of Inkey() to the current Get object.
Retrieve a cgi string from a HtmlFormElement object
Executes a code block during input to a Get object.
Determines if AppEvent() or Inkey() is used by the Get system.
Retrieves the contents of an operating system environment variable.
Implements the default READ behavior of a single Get object for the
Applies events to the active Get object.
Removes input focus from the active Get object.
Returns a reference to the GetList array being used by ReadModal().
Returns the position of the active Get object within the GetList array.
Query the number of available logical processors on the machine
Generates an object of the Get class.
Returns a reference to an existing COM/ActiveX component.
Get parent form of an Xbase Part.
Determines the position of the mouse pointer.