Function GraSegPriority() Foundation
Changes priority of a graphic segment in relation to a second segment.
GraSegPriority( [<oPS>], <nSegmentA>, <nSegmentB>, ;
<nPriority> ) --> lSuccess
The return value of GraSegPriority() is .T. (true) when the priority for the segment <nSegmentA> was changed, otherwise it is .F. (false). If the return value equals .F., the cause of error can be determined using GraError().
The priority of graphic segments determines the order in which the segments are drawn. It is comparable with the z axis in the three dimensional coordinate system. When GraSegDraw() is called, the segment with the lowest priority is drawn first and the segment with the highest priority is drawn last. If segments overlap, the segments with lower priority are painted over by segments with higher priority.
When the value 0 is specified for the comparison segment <nSegmentB>, <nSegmentA> receives either the highest or lowest priority of all segments depending on whether GRA_SEG_LOWER_PRI or GRA_SEG_HIGHER_PRI was used for <nPriority>.
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