Function GraPathClip() Foundation
Defines graphic path as a clipping path.
GraPathClip( [<oPS>], [<lClip>], [<nClipMode>] ) --> lSuccess
Constant | Description |
GRA_PATH_CLIP_ALTERNATE *) | Use every other polygon |
GRA_PATH_CLIP_WINDING | Use every filled region |
Constant | Description |
GRA_PATH_CLIP_INCL *) | New clip path is intersection of path and current clipping region |
GRA_PATH_CLIP_EXCL | New clip path is current clipping region with areas defined in path excluded |
GRA_PATH_CLIP_COMBINE | New clip path is the union of current clipping region and the area in the path |
The return value of GraPathClip() is .T. (true) when the path was defined as a clipping path, otherwise it is .F. (false). If the return value is .F., the cause of error can be determined with GraError().
When a clip path is active, output in the applicable presentation space is limited to the area within the clip path. Everything outside the border of the clip path is not visible. As long as the clip path is active, no output is made outside of the path. This applies to all functions which have screen output, like QOut() or Alert(), along with the graphic functions.
The clip path must be deactivated with GraPathClip( [<oPS>], .F.), so that output outside of the clip path is again possible.
// In the example, a clipping path is created which consists
// of two concentric circles. The output of character strings
// occurs within the path.
LOCAL i, cString
SetColor("N/W") // fill window with pale gray
GraPathBegin() // define graphic path
GraArc( , {150,200}, 50 )
GraArc( , {150,200}, 100 )
GraPathClip( , .T.) // turn on clipping
cString := "Xbase++ Clip-Path Test in two concentric circles"
FOR i:=1 TO 11 // display string
graStringAt ( NIL, {50, 320-20*i }, cString )
GraPathClip( , .F.) // turn off clipping
GraArc( , {150,200}, 50 ) // outline path
GraArc( , {150,200}, 100 )
Inkey(0) // wait for key press
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