Function GraArc() Foundation
Draws a circle, arc, or ellipse.
GraArc( [<oPS>], [<aCenter>], <nRadius>, ;
[<aEllipse>], [<nStartAngle>], ;
[<nSweepAngle>], [<nFill>] ) --> lSuccess
nXhorizontal := nX0 + nRadius * nX1 // ellipse axis in the
nYhorizontal := nY0 + nRadius * nY1 // x direction (horizontal)
nXvertical := nX0 + nRadius * nX2 // ellipse axis in the
nYvertical := nY0 + nRadius * nY2 // y direction (vertical)
Constant | Description |
GRA_FILL | Fills circle |
GRA_OUTLINE *) | Draws an outlined circle |
GRA_OUTLINEFILL | Draws an outlined and filled circle |
The return value of GraArc() is .T. (true) if the circle was drawn, otherwise it is .F. (false). If the return value is .F., the cause of error can be determined using GraError().
Circles, arcs and ellipses are drawn using the function GraArc(). By default a circle is drawn as an outline with the color and the line width set by the function GraSetAttrLine(). The fill pattern and fill color for a filled circle can be specified with GraSetAttrArea(). The default for the fill pattern is the #define constant GRA_SYM_SOLID.

Drawing ellipses
For drawing ellipses, the coordinates for the end points of the ellipse axes must be indicated in addition to the center point. These are calculated from the values in <aEllipse>. The length of the axis is calculated by multiplication with the radius. The following calls all result in the same ellipse:
GraArc(, {200,300}, 40, { 2,0,0, 1} )
GraArc(, {200,300}, 4, {20,0,0,10} )
GraArc(, {200,300}, 1, {80,0,0,40} )
It is recommended that the value 1 be set as the radius when drawing an ellipse, since this causes the values in <aEllipse> to exactly represent the relative coordinates for both ellipse axes. The origin for both axes is the center point of the ellipse.
If values not equal to zero are entered for the array elements <nY1> and <nX2>, the ellipse axes are tipped over and the ellipse drawn turned. To avoid a distorted ellipse be sure that the ellipse axes are always at a 90 angle to each other.
Drawing arcs
An arc begins with the starting angle <nStartAngle> and is drawn to the angle <nStartAngle> + <nSweepAngle>. It is drawn only as a line and cannot be filled. Thus, <nFill> cannot be used when drawing an arc. If it is included, a runtime error occurs.
As is apparent from the illustration, with an arc a straight line is always drawn beginning at the current pen position up to the intersection point with the radius of the arc. The arc is drawn out from this intersection point. The pen position does not change. To assure that the line begins at the center point of the arc, the pen position must be set to the center point with GraPos() before calling GraArc().
To fill arcs with a pattern they must be defined within a graphic path with GraPathBegin() / GraPathEnd(). The path can then be filled or outlined (see the third example for GraArc()).
// In this example 5 concentric circles are drawn with GraArc().
// The radius is raised 30 pixels in each case.
SetColor("N/W") // fill window with pale gray
FOR i:=1 TO 5
GraArc( NIL, {300,200}, 30*i ) // draws circle
Inkey(0) // waits for key stroke
// This example program was used to create the illustration with an
// ellipse and arcs.
#include ""
LOCAL nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1, nX2, nY2, aAttr
SetColor("N/W") // fill window with pale gray
aAttr := Array( GRA_AM_COUNT )
GraSetAttrMarker( NIL, aAttr )
nX0 := 150 // center point of
nY0 := 150 // the ellipse
nX1 := 120 // length in x direction
nY1 := 0 // deviation horizontally
nX2 := 0 // deviation vertically
nY2 := 75 // length in y direction
// draw ellipse: Radius=1
GraArc( NIL, {nX0, nY0}, 1, {nX1, nY1, nX2, nY2} )
GraMarker( NIL, {nX0, nY0} )
GraStringAt( NIL, {nX0-35, nY0-20}, "{nX0,nY0}" )
// horizontal axis
GraLine( NIL, {nX0, nY0}, {nX0+nX1, nY0+nY1} )
GraMarker( NIL, {nX0+nX1,nY0+nY1} )
GraStringAt( NIL, {nX0+nX1+10, nY0+nY1-5}, "{nX1,nY1}" )
// vertical axis
GraLine( NIL, {nX0, nY0}, {nX0+nX2, nY0+nY2} )
GraMarker( NIL, {nX0+nX2,nY0+nY2} )
GraStringAt( NIL, {nX0+nX2-35, nY0+nY2+10}, "{nX2,nY2}" )
nX0 := 490 // new coordinates for
nY0 := 150 // arcs
nX1 := nX0
nY1 := 50
GraPos( NIL, {nX0,nY0} ) // GraPos() is the mid-point
GraArc( NIL, {nX0,nY0}, 100, {1,0,0,1}, 30, 100)
GraMarker( NIL, {nX0,nY0} )
GraStringAt( NIL, {nX0-100, nY0+50}, "GraPos() == {nX0,nY0}" )
aAttr := Array( GRA_AL_COUNT ) // set line attributes
GraSetAttrLine( NIL, aAttr )
GraPos( NIL, {nX1,nY1} ) // GraPos() is not the
GraArc( NIL, {nX0,nY0}, 120,, 30, 100) // mid-point
GraMarker( NIL, {nX1,nY1} )
GraStringAt( NIL, {nX0-100, nY1-20}, "GraPos() <> {nX0,nY0}" )
Inkey(0) // wait for key press
// In the example the function DrawFilledPartialArc() is programmed
// to draw filled arcs. This function is used for drawing a pie chart.
// An arc is filled using GraPathFill(). The path definition occurs
// within a segment.
#include ""
LOCAL nX, nY, nRadius, nStartAngle, aAngle, aPattern, i
SetColor("N/W") // fill window with pale gray
nX := 300 // mid-point of the
nY := 200 // pie chart
nRadius := 150 // radius
aAngle := { 30, 100, 15, 75, 80, 60 }
aPattern := { ; // various fill attributes
nStartAngle := 45 // starting angle
FOR i:=1 TO LEN( aAngle ) // draw filled arcs
DrawFilledPartialArc( {nX, nY}, nRadius, ;
nStartAngle, aAngle[i], ;
aPattern[i], .T. )
nStartAngle += aAngle[i] // increment starting angle
Inkey(0) // wait for key press
* Draws filled arcs *
FUNCTION DrawFilledPartialArc( aCenter, ;
nRadius, ;
nStartAngle, ;
nSweepAngle, ;
nPattern , ;
lOutline )
LOCAL aAttr, nSegment
aAttr := Array( GRA_AA_COUNT ) // select fill pattern
aAttr [ GRA_AA_SYMBOL ] := nPattern
aAttr := GraSetAttrArea( NIL, aAttr )
// open segment
nSegment := GraSegOpen( NIL, GRA_SEG_MODIFIABLE )
GraPathBegin() // define path
GraPos( NIL, aCenter ) // define arc
GraArc( NIL, aCenter, nRadius,, nStartAngle, nSweepAngle )
GraPathEnd( NIL, .T. ) // end path definition
GraSegClose() // close segment
GraSegDraw( NIL, nSegment ) // create path for drawing
GraPathFill() // fill path
IF lOutline
GraSegDraw( NIL, nSegment ) // recreate path
GraPathOutline() // outline path
GraSegDestroy( NIL, nSegment) // delete segment
GraSetAttrArea( NIL, aAttr ) // reset old attributes
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