Function GraBox() Foundation
Draws rectangle.
GraBox( [<oPS>], [<aLeftBottom>], <aRightTop>, ;
[<nFill>], [<nHRadius>], [<nVRadius>] ) --> lSuccess
Constant | Description |
GRA_FILL | Fills rectangle |
GRA_OUTLINE *) | Only draws rectangle border |
GRA_OUTLINEFILL | Draws rectangle border and fills |
The return value of GraBox() is .T. (true) if the rectangle was drawn, otherwise it is .F. (false). If the return value equals .F., the cause of error can be determined using GraError().
Rectangles are drawn with the function GraBox(). By default, output is an outline, with the color and line width set by the function GraSetAttrLine(). For a filled rectangle, the fill pattern and the fill color are determined by GraSetAttrArea(). The default pattern corresponds to the #define constant GRA_SYM_SOLID.
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