Function GraQueryTextBox() Foundation
Determines coordinates for the boundaries of a character string.
GraQueryTextBox( [<oPS>], <cString> ) --> aPoints
The function GraQueryTextBox() returns a two dimensional array of five elements. Each element contains a subarray with two elements which are the relative coordinates for five points. The first four elements designate the corner points for a parallelogram which represents the boundaries of the specified character string <cString>. The fifth element is the pen position at which the pen is found after the character string is drawn with GraStringAt():
aPoints := { { nXLeft , nYTop }, ; // upper left corner
{ nXLeft , nYBottom }, ; // lower left corner
{ nXRight, nYTop }, ; // upper right corner
{ nXRight, nYBottom }, ; // lower right corner
{ nXPen , nYPen } } // pen position
The points designate the boundaries if the string is displayed at the origin of the coordinate system (the point {0,0}). To calculate the actual coordinates for a box surrounding a string, add the x and y positions at which <cString> is drawn.
The function GraQueryTextBox() determines the corner points of the parallelogram in which the output of a character string occurs. The coordinates describe a rectangle which outlines the character string, unless the characters are output in italic.
GraQueryTextBox() is well suited for determining the space required for a character string displayed in a proportional typeface before it is drawn with GraStringAt().
// The example contains the user-defined function DrawTextBox(),
// in which a character string is displayed with a border. For
// demonstration the procedure main() varies the angle attributes
// for the way in which a character string is drawn.
// The call of GraQueryTextBox() occurs in DrawTextBox().
#include ""
LOCAL cString, aAttr, oFont
#ifdef __OS2__ // Create a vector font
oFont := XbpFont():new():create( "10.Helv.normal" )
oFont := XbpFont():new():create( "10.Arial.normal" )
GraSetFont( NIL, oFont )
cString := "Xbase++: Graphical text output with surrounding box"
DrawTextBox( {120,280}, cString) // output characters with
// border in UDF
GraMarker( NIL ) // mark pen position
aAttr := ARRAY( GRA_AS_COUNT ) // various angle attributes
cString := "GRA_AS_ANGLE is {5, 3}"
aAttr[ GRA_AS_ANGLE ] := {5, 3} // incline to upper right
GraSetAttrString( NIL, aAttr )
DrawTextBox( {300, 140}, cString )
GraMarker( NIL )
cString := "GRA_AS_ANGLE is {5, -3}"
aAttr[ GRA_AS_ANGLE ] := {5, -3} // incline to lower right
GraSetAttrString( NIL, aAttr )
DrawTextBox( {300, 120}, cString )
GraMarker( NIL )
cString := "GRA_AS_ANGLE is {-5, 3}"
aAttr[ GRA_AS_ANGLE ] := {-5, 3} // incline to upper left
GraSetAttrString( NIL, aAttr )
DrawTextBox( {290, 140}, cString )
GraMarker( NIL )
cString := "GRA_AS_ANGLE is {-5, -3}"
aAttr[ GRA_AS_ANGLE ] := {-5, -3} // incline to lower left
GraSetAttrString( NIL, aAttr )
DrawTextBox( {290, 120}, cString )
GraMarker( NIL )
* Draws character string with border *
PROCEDURE DrawTextBox( aPenPos, cString )
LOCAL aTextBox, aLeftTop, aLeftBottom, aRightTop, aRightBottom
// determine coordinates for
// border
aTextBox := GraQueryTextBox( NIL, cString )
aLeftTop := aTextBox[1] // relative coordinates for
aLeftBottom := aTextBox[2] // the four corner points of the
aRightTop := aTextBox[3] // parallelogram
aRightBottom := aTextBox[4]
aLeftTop[1] += aPenPos[1] // convert relative coordinates
aLeftTop[2] += aPenPos[2] // to absolute coordinates
aLeftBottom[1] += aPenPos[1]
aLeftBottom[2] += aPenPos[2]
aRightTop[1] += aPenPos[1]
aRightTop[2] += aPenPos[2]
aRightBottom[1] += aPenPos[1]
aRightBottom[2] += aPenPos[2]
// draw border
GraLine( NIL, aLeftTop, aRightTop )
GraLine( NIL, NIL, aRightBottom )
GraLine( NIL, NIL, aLeftBottom )
GraLine( NIL, NIL, aLeftTop )
// draw character string
GraStringAt( NIL, aPenPos, cString )
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