Function GraIsRGBColor() Foundation

Checks if a numeric value is a valid RGB color value.

GraIsRGBColor( <nColor> ) --> lIsRGBColor
The parameter is a numeric value. It can be a RGB color value or a color index as used for the :setColorIndex() method of the XbpPresSpace() class.

The function returns .T. (true) if the passed parameter is a valid RGB color value, otherwise .F. (false) is returned.


The function is used to check if a numeric value is equivalent to a RGB color value. This is useful to determine whether a given color is defined via color intensities or as a color index. RGB colors are calculated from color intensities by the function GraMakeRGBColor(). Note that GraIsRGBColor() tests only if the passed parameter is a valid RGB color value, it does not check whether or not the corresponding color is available. Use the :mapColor() method of the XbpPresSpace() class to test if a color can be displayed.


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