Function GraRotate() Foundation
Calculates a rotational transformation for a matrix.
GraRotate( [<oPS>], <aMatrix>, <nAngle>, ;
<aPoint> , [<nMode>] ) --> lSuccess
Constant | Description |
GRA_TRANSFORM_REPLACE | Replaces the existing <aMatrix> transformation after the transformation |
GRA_TRANSFORM_ADD | Keeps the existing <aMatrix> transformation and calculates an additional transformation |
The return value of GraRotate() is .T. (true) when the rotational transformation was calculated, otherwise it is .F. (false). If the return value equals .F., the cause of error can be determined by GraError().
The function GraRotate() performs the matrix calculations required for rotating graphic segments. A matrix must be passed to the function to hold the values resulting from the calculation. This matrix is a three dimensional array which must be generated by GraInitMatrix() before it is used for matrix calculations.
Graphic segments which are rotated (turned) at a specific angle must be previously generated from graphic primitives. The functions GraSegOpen() and GraSegClose() are used to define a graphic segment. GraRotate() calculates the rotation and the function GraSegDraw() makes the rotation visible.
// In the example a graphic segment is defined which draws
// a box. The segment is then rotated to the left 11 times at
// 30 degrees and displayed each time. The turning point is the
// lower left corner of the box.
#include ""
LOCAL aMatrix, nSegment, i
SetColor("N/W") // fill window with pale gray
aMatrix := GraInitMatrix() // create matrix
nSegment := graSegOpen() // create segment
// define box
GraBox( NIL, {200,150}, {300,230}, GRA_OUTLINE )
GraSegClose() // closed segment
GraSegDraw(NIL,nSegment,aMatrix) // draw segment
FOR i:=1 TO 11 // rotate segment
GraRotate( NIL, aMatrix, 30, {200,150}, GRA_TRANSFORM_ADD )
GraSegDraw(NIL, nSegment, aMatrix)
NEXT // draw segment
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