Function GraFocusRect() Foundation
Draws a rectangle using imagery that denotes input focus.
GraFocusRect( [<oPS>], [<aStartPoint>], [<aEndPoint>] ) --> lSuccess
The return value of GraFocusRect() is .T. (true) if the rectangle is drawn, otherwise it is .F. (false).
The function GraFocusRect() is a graphic primitive which draws a rectangle in a presentation space. The rectangle is rendered using the default imagery for rectangles that denote input focus. GraFocusRect() draws in XOR mode. This means that a focus rectangle can be removed from the screen by executing GraFocusRect() again using identical call parameters.
The function GraFocusRect() is intended primarily for usage with Micro Presentation Spaces. It cannot be used in graphic segments. Furthermore, GraFocusRect() neither uses nor updates the current cursor position.
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