Function DevOutPict() Foundation
Outputs a value with a picture format to the current output device.
DevOutPict(<Expression>, <cPicture>, [<cColor>]) --> NIL
The return value of DevOutPict() is always NIL.
The output function DevOutPict() outputs the value of <Expression>to the current output device at the current cursor or print head position. The command @..SAY..PICTURE.. is implemented using the functions DevPos() and DevOutPict().
// The example shows the output of a value with
// DevOutPict() and with the command @...SAY:
DevPos( 5, 10 )
DevOutPict( "James Bond's BMW", "@!", "W+/B" )
@ 5, 10 SAY "James Bond's BMW" PICTURE "@!" COLOR "W+/B"
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