Function DbCreateExtStruct() Foundation
Creates and opens an empty structure extended file.
DbCreateExtStruct( <cFilename> ) --> lSuccess
The function DbCreateExtStruct() returns the value .T. (true) when the structure extended file <cFilename> was created. Otherwise it returns .F. (false).
The database function DbCreateExtStruct() creates an empty structure extended file named <cFilename> and opens it in the current work area. A structure extended file contains records with the field definitions for another file. The fields of a structure extended file are predetermined and described in the following table:
Field name | Field type | Field length | Decimal places |
FIELD_NAME | Character | 10 | 0 |
FIELD_TYPE | Character | 1 | 0 |
FIELD_LEN | Numeric | 5 | 0 |
FIELD_DEC | Numeric | 4 | 0 |
New databases can be created from the records of a structure extended file. This is done using the function DbCreateFrom(). Another way to create new databases is using the function DbCreate(). DbCreate() uses a two dimensional array for the field definition instead of a file.
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