Function DllUnLoad() Foundation
Unloads a previously loaded DLL.
DllUnLoad( <nDllHandle>|<cDllName> ) --> lSuccess
The function DllUnLoad() returns .T. (true) if the DLL file is no longer available to the current process. In case of an error, the return value is .F. (false) and the error condition can be determined by the DosError() function.
DllUnload() unloads a DLL file, i.e. the DLL becomes unavailable to the current process. The function is only valid for the current process. If a DLL is used by other processes at the same time when DllUnload() is called, the DLL remains accessible for other processes.
If other DLLs are statically linked to the dynamically loaded DLL, the function DllUnload() executes all EXIT PROCEDUREs programmed in the statically linked DLLs.
When DLLs are built with Xbase++ and are to be loaded dynamically, all PRG files for that DLL must be compiled with the compiler option /dll:dynamic. Otherwise DllUnload() will raise a runtime error.
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