Function DispOutAt() Foundation

Displays a value on the screen without changing the cursor position.

DispOutAt( <nRow>, <nCol>, <Expression>, ;
           [<cColor>], [<oWindow>] ) --> NIL
<nRow> is an integer numeric value in the range of 0 to MaxRow(). It determines the row position for the output on screen.
<nCol> is an integer numeric value in the range of 0 to MaxCol(). It determines the column position for the output on screen.
<Expression> is an expression whose value is displayed.
The optional argument <cColor> defines the color for the display of <Expression>. If this argument is not included, <Expression>is displayed in the default color of the system colors defined with SetColor().
The parameter <oWindow> optionally specifies the window where the display should appear. It defaults to the return value of SetAppWindow(). If a window object is specified for<oWindow>, it must be suitable for text-mode output (e.g. XbpCrt() or VCrt() window).

The return value of DispOutAt() is always NIL.


DispOutAt() displays the value of an individual expression at the indicated row and column position on the screen or in the active window without changing the current position of the screen cursor. It is a simple output function which only displays values on the screen. The output device set with SET DEVICE is ignored by DispOutAt().

// In the example, a thread is started whose output is 
// displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. 
// The value of the function Time() is displayed once 
// per second using DispOutAt(). The cursor remains 
// at its position in the GET input field for input 
// using READ. 

   LOCAL bBlock, cVar := Space(10) 

   bBlock := {|| DispOutAt(0, MaxCol()-7, Time(), "W+/B") } 
   SetTimerEvent( 100, bBlock ) 

   @ 10,10 SAY "Input:" GET cVar 


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