Function SetTimerEvent() Foundation
Starts a timer thread which executes a code block at the defined time interval
SetTimerEvent( [<nNewInterval>], ;
[<bNewBlock>] ) --> { nOldInterval, bOldBlock }
The return value of SetTimerEvent() is an array of two elements. The first element contains the time interval and the second element contains the code block previously defined for the timer event. When no code block was previously defined, both elements contain the value NIL.
The function SetTimerEvent() starts a thread independent of the running program in which the code block <bBlock> is evaluated at a consistent time interval. In this separate thread, other components of the program can be executed but they must be self contained and independent of the main program. A common example for the timer thread is the display of the time (see example). But more complex program components, like print jobs, can be set to run without the main program being disturbed.
// In the example, the time is displayed once per second.
// The timer thread continues running even though the main
// program is receiving input from the user using READ.
LOCAL cVar1:= "Xbase++" , cVar2:="for 32bit"
SetTimerEvent(100, {|| DispOutAt(0, 0, Time()) } )
@ 10, 0 Say "Variable1" GET cVar1
@ 12, 0 Say "Variable2" GET cVar2
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