Function DbContinue() Foundation
Continues a sequential search defined by DbLocate().
DbContinue() --> lFound
The function DbContinue() returns the value .T. (true) when another data record was found matching the search condition defined by DbLocate(). .F. (false) is returned if no additional matching records are found.
The function DbLocate() defines a search condition for each work area that is the subject of a sequential search for matching records in that work area. The search is also initiated by DbLocate() and continued using DbContinue(). In this way all records in a work area matching a search condition can be found.
The function DbContinue() moves the record pointer in the work area until a matching record is found. The matching record becomes the current record and DbContinue() returns the value .T. (true). The function Found() can also be used to test the result of a DbContinue(). If no matching record is found, the return value is .F. (false) and the record pointer is positioned after the last record. In this case, the function Eof() returns the value .T. (true).
If DbContinue() is called without the alias operator, the search occurs in the current work area. This is identical to executing the command CONTINUE.
// Using DbLocate() and DbContinue(), the example lists
// all employees from a personnel database belonging to a
// specific department.
LOCAL cDepartment := "S-DEV"
FIELD EmployeeNo, LastName, FirstName
DbUseArea( .T.,, "Employee" )
DbLocate( {|| FIELD->DeptNo = cDepartment } )
IF Found()
? "Employees in department:", cDepartment
? EmployeeNo, LastName, FirstName
DO WHILE DbContinue()
? EmployeeNo, LastName, FirstName
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