Method XbpActiveXControl():subscribeStdEvents() Foundation

Registers event processing for standard ActiveX control events.

:subscribeStdEvents() --> self

This method always returns NIL.


:subscribeStdEvents() is called automatically during creation of an ActiveX control. The method has the PROTECTED attribute and can only be accessed from within derived classes. It cannot be called directly by Xbase++ applications.

The method :subscribeStdEvents() registers event processing for standard ActiveX control events. The event processor installed by :subscribeStdEvents() ensures that the application is notified about standard actions, such as mouse button clicks or key presses, using the normal event handling protocol defined for Xbase Parts.

Internally, :subscribeStdEvents() uses functionality provided by its base class ActiveXObject to install an event handler for the events defined in the control's default event set. This enables an Xbase++ application to react to the standard events defined by a control after the control was created. See method ActiveXObject:COMDefaultHandler()for further information on COM events and event management.

The following table lists the standard ActiveX events supported by :subscribeStdEvents(), along with their corresponding callback methods. The dispatch IDs of the events listed below are defined in the file ACTIVEX.CH.

Standard ActiveX Events Supported by :subscribeStdEvents()
Event Name Dispatch ID Callback Method Description
MouseDown DISPID_MOUSEDOWN :mouseDown() Mouse button was depressed
MouseUp DISPID_MOUSEUP :mouseUp() Mouse button was released
MouseMove DISPID_MOUSEMOVE :mouseMove() Mouse was moved over the control
Click DISPID_CLICK :click() Mouse button was clicked
DblClick DISPID_DBLCLICK :dblClick() A double-click was performed
KeyDown DISPID_KEYDOWN :keyDown() Key was depressed on the keyboard
KeyUp DISPID_KEYUP :keyUp() Key was released on the keyboard

If one of the standard events supported by the XbpActiveXControl class is not defined in the control's default event set, :subscribeStdEvents() uses the ActiveX control's type library information to check if the event is exposed by another interface defined by the control class. If so, :subscribeStdEvents() also installs an event handler for the respective event interface(s).

Not all ActiveX controls generate events for mouse or keyboard operations. Also, a control may define additional events in interfaces other than those already subscribed by :subscribeStdEvents(). If non-standard control events must be processed in your application, :subscribeEvent() may have to be used to register an appropriate handler routine.


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