Method XbpActiveXControl():create() Foundation

Requests system resources for the XbpActiveXControl object.

:create( [<oParent>], [<oOwner>],  ;
         [<aPos>],    [<aSize>],   ;
         [<aPP>],     [<lVisible>] ) --> self
The parent for the XbpActiveXControl can be optionally specified using the parameter <oParent>. By default <oParent> is the active window (the return value of SetAppWindow()).
<oOwner> can be used to set the owner for the XbpActiveXControl. By default <oOwner> is the same as <oParent>.
<aPos> := { nX, nY }
The optional parameter <aPos> can be used to specify the position where the XbpActiveXControl is displayed. By default, this parameter contains the array {0,0}. This specifies the position for the lower left corner of the XbpActiveXControl. The first element contains the x coordinate and the second contains the y coordinate. The coordinates are relative to the coordinate system of <oParent>.
<aSize> := { nXsize, nYsize }
The parameter <aSize> optionally specifies the size of the XbpActiveXControl. <aSize> must be an array containing two elements. The first element specifies the dimension in the x direction (width) and the second element specifies the dimension in the y direction (height). By default this value is the array {0,0}.
A two dimensional array can be specified for <aPresParam>. Refer to Generic presentation parametersfor a detailed explanation.
The parameter <lVisible> determines whether the XbpActiveXControl is visible immediately after the call to the method :create(). By default <lVisible>is .T. (true) and the Xbase Part is displayed after :create() is executed. This default behavior can be suppressed by specifying the value .F. (false) for the parameter <lVisible>. In this case, the object must be explicitly displayed using the :show() method.

This method returns the object executing the method (self).


The method :create() allocates system resources for the internal ActiveX control container. Furthermore, :create() uses AutomationObject:create() to create the ActiveX control identified by the value assigned to the :CLSID instance variable. If the ActiveX control is hosted by a remote COM server, the server name must be assigned to the instance variable :server before the method :create() is called. If a license was supplied by the control vendor for creating instances of the ActiveX control, the license string must be assigned to instance variable :license.


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