Member variable XbpWindow():useVisualStyle Foundation

Determines whether the object uses a Visual Style for display.

Attribute: EXPORTED
Data type: Logical (.T.)

The instance variable :useVisualStyle determines whether ab Xbase Part uses a Visual Style to render its imagery. A Visual Style is a specification in the operating system which defines the visual appearance of an Xbase Part. Changing a Visual Style usually affects the way text, colors or borders are displayed on the screen. By default, all Xbase Parts use a Visual Style whenever one is defined by the operating system. If the value .F. (FALSE) is assigned to :useVisualStyle, a compatible display method is used instead. In this case, the Xbase Part appears as if it was created on an older operating system version, or if Classic Display was selected in Control Panel.

Windows is usually installed with one or more Visual Style specifications which are selectable via the Control Panel application. Examples for such a specification is the Luna style under Windows XP, or the Aero style under Windows Vista. Note that when referring to the system-wide style setting, the term "Theme" is often used interchangeably with "Visual Style".

Visual Styles are only available on computers running an operating system version of Windows XP or newer. In addition, a manifest must be defined in order for Visual Styles to be available. On older platforms, the :useVisualStyle instance variable has no effect. See the function IsThemeActive() for further information.

Example for using :useVisualStyle to control the display of an Xbase Part

// (An example for using member :useVisualStyles can be found 
// in the documentation of the XbpBrowse class) 


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