Reads the value and the default format of a numeric container.
Return the value of a numeric container as an integer.
Determines the error code of the last operation.
Copies a container or produces a NIL container.
Produces a new array container.
Returns a container handle for an Xbase++ parameter.
Assigns the value of a container to another container.
Assigns a NULL terminated character string to a container or creates a string container.
Assigns a character string with an explicit length to a container or produces a new string container.
Assigns a character string as a date value to a container or produces a new date container.
Store the default null value of the passed datatype to its container.
Assigns a logical value to a container or creates a new logical container.
Assigns a memo character string with explicit length to a container or produces a new memo container.
Assigns a floating point number to a container or produces a new numeric container.
Assigns a floating point number with a predefined format to a container or produces a new numeric container.
Assigns a long integer to a container or produces a new numeric container.
Registers DLL written in C at load time
Registers C-API functions at runtime
Releases the memory space of a container which is no longer needed.
Change the length of a character string container.
Restore the old workarea using its numeric identifier.
Defines the value returned by the function to Xbase++.
Locks a string container for direct read access.
Assign the value of a container to a field variable of the current workarea.