Function _conParam() Foundation
Returns a container handle for an Xbase++ parameter.
ContainerHandle _conParam(XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex,
BOOL *pbRef);
The function returns the container handle of a parameter. If the corresponding parameter is not passed to your function a NIL-container will be returned. The returned container handle is normally a copy which has to be freed with _conRelease(). The only exception are reference parameters. As long as pbRef is not NULL there is no new container created for parameters which are passed by reference. So for reference parameters it is not allowed to call _conRelease()! If the parameter can not be furnished due to any errors, a NULLCONTAINER is returned.
_conParam() allows access to the parameters which were passed to the C function from within the Xbase++ program. The container handle furnished by this function can be used to read and write the value of the parameter using the _conGet...() and _conPut...() functions.
Since it can not be determined later (from the container alone) whether the Xbase++ parameter was passed by reference, this information can be determined by using the additional argument pbRef. When no error occurs, after the call this buffer contains TRUE if the parameter was passed by reference and otherwise contains FALSE. If pbRef is not used (i.e. NULL) _conParam will always return a copy which has to be freed with _conRelease() even if the parameter was passed by reference. If pbRef is used you have always to check that the parameter is not passed by reference before you call _conRelease().
#include <ctype.h> /* isupper(), iscntrl(), tolower() */
#include "xpppar.h"
#include "xppcon.h"
#define xbeK_KeyMask 0x0000FFFF // extract pure key code
#define xbeK_Virtual 0x00010000 // flag for special keys
#define xbeK_Shift 0x00020000
#define xbeK_Alt 0x00040000
#define xbeK_Ctrl 0x00080000
#define xbeB_Event 0x00100000
#define xbeB_PartEvent 0x00200000
#define xbeP_User 0x08000000
splitEvent( nEvent, [@isShift], [@isCntrl], [@isAlt],
[@isVirtual], [@isSpecialEvent] ) -> nKeyCode
Note: to use isupper(), iscntrl() and tolower() the
C-Library has to be initialised first!
XPPRET XPPENTRY splitEvent( XppParamList paramList )
ULONG event;
ULONG key;
ContainerHandle chFlag;
BOOL isRef;
read parameter with event code
event = _parnl( paramList, 1 );
get shift and control state of alphabetic characters
key = event & xbeK_KeyMask;
if (! (event & (xbeK_Virtual|xbeB_Event|xbeB_PartEvent|xbeP_User)))
if (isupper(key))
key = tolower(key);
event |= xbeK_Shift;
if (iscntrl(key))
key = 'a'-1 + key;
event |= xbeK_Ctrl;
/* SHIFT-Key ? */
chFlag = _conParam( paramList, 2, &isRef );
if (! isRef)
_conRelease( chFlag );
_conPutL( chFlag, event & xbeK_Shift );
/* CONTROL-Key ? */
chFlag = _conParam( paramList, 3, &isRef );
if (! isRef)
_conRelease( chFlag );
_conPutL( chFlag, event & xbeK_Ctrl );
/* ALTERNATE-Key ? */
chFlag = _conParam( paramList, 4, &isRef );
if (! isRef)
_conRelease( chFlag );
_conPutL( chFlag, event & xbeK_Alt );
/* Special-Key ? (Function-Keys, Cursor-Keys, ...) */
chFlag = _conParam( paramList, 5, &isRef );
if (! isRef)
_conRelease( chFlag );
_conPutL( chFlag, event & xbeK_Virtual );
/* Special Event ? (Mouse events, Xbase-Part events, ... ) */
chFlag = _conParam( paramList, 6, &isRef );
if (! isRef)
_conRelease( chFlag );
_conPutL( chFlag, event & (xbeB_Event|xbeB_PartEvent|xbeP_User) );
_retnl( paramList, key);
If you see anything in the documentation that is not correct, does not match your experience with the particular feature or requires further clarification, please use this form to report a documentation issue.