Function _conReturn() Foundation

Defines the value returned by the function to Xbase++.

XPPAPIRET _conReturn(XppParamList pList, ContainerHandle chx);
XppParamList pList
Xbase++ Parameter pointer through which the parameter list is accessed.
ContainerHandle chx
Handle of a container with any value or NULLCONTAINER.

Returns NULL when the operation was successful. The function returns an error code (XPP_ERR_...) when the Xbase++ return value could not be set.


_conReturn() is used to set the return value a function sends to the calling Xbase++ application. If NULLCONTAINER is passed instead of a container handle, the return value is set to NIL. _conReturn() does not end the actual function but merely establishes its return value.

In order to insure correct operation, a return value should always be specified. In Xbase++, procedures are defined as functions which return NIL. But there may be only one call to one of the return functions (_ret...() or _conReturn). After the call an access to other C-API functions is not allowed any more and the function should return immediately. An exception is the call to _conRelease() which releases the ContainerHandle passed to _conReturn().

Returns a logical value as a return value to Xbase++. 
#include <xppcon.h> 

ContainerHandle  hLogic; 
BOOL             logic; 

/* ... assigns value to new logic type container */ 

hLogic = _conPutL(NULLCONTAINER, logic); 
if (hLogic != NULLCONTAINER) 
_conReturn(<pList>, hLogic); 
/* Error occurred: return NIL. */ 
_conReturn(<pList>, NULLCONTAINER); 


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