Group Container API
Assigns a copy of an array element to a container.
ContainerHandle _conArrayGet(ContainerHandle cha, ContainerHandle ch, ...)
Assign an element of an array of any dimension to a container.
ContainerHandle _conArrayGetA(ContainerHandle chArray, ContainerHandle chResult, int *index)
Assigns a new value to an element of an array.
XPPAPIRET _conArrayPut(ContainerHandle cha, ContainerHandle chx, ...)
Assign the value of a container to an element of an array of any dimension.
XPPAPIRET _conArrayPutA(ContainerHandle chArray, ContainerHandle chValue, int *index)
Checks if the character set of the current thread is of type ANSI.
Checks if the character set of the current thread is of type OEM.
Checks if the character set of the current thread is of type OEM or ANSI.
Copies the value of a string container into a buffer.
XPPAPIRET _conGetCL(ContainerHandle chs, ULONG *ulCopy, CHAR *pcBuffer, ULONG ulSize)
Assign the value of a field variable of the current workarea to a container.
ContainerHandle __conGetCurrentField(CHAR *field, ContainerHandle chDest)
Writes the content of a date type container into the passed buffer as a character string.
XPPAPIRET _conGetDS(ContainerHandle chd, CHAR pcBuffer[8])
Obtain the value of a field variable of a specified workarea.
ContainerHandle _conGetFieldCC(CHAR *warea, CHAR *field, ContainerHandle chDest)
Obtain the value of a specific field variable of a certain workarea.
ContainerHandle _conGetFieldNC(int warea, CHAR *field, ContainerHandle chDest)
Copies the value of a logical container into a buffer.
XPPAPIRET _conGetL(ContainerHandle chl, BOOL *lValue)
Requests the value of a member variable of an Xbase++ object.
XPPAPIRET _conGetMember(ContainerHandle chObject, char *mName, ContainerHandle chDest)
Assign the value of an Xbase++ memvar to a container.
ContainerHandle _conGetMemvar(CHAR *name, ContainerHandle chDest)
Reads the value of a numeric container as a floating point number.
XPPAPIRET _conGetND(ContainerHandle chn, double *ndValue)
Reads the value and the default format of a numeric container.
XPPAPIRET _conGetNDF(ContainerHandle chn, double *ndValue LONG *intDigits, LONG *decDigits)
Return the value of a numeric container as an integer.
XPPAPIRET _conGetNL(ContainerHandle chn, LONG *nlValue)
Determines the error code of the last operation.
XPPAPIRET _conLastError()
Copies a container or produces a NIL container.
ContainerHandle _conNew(ContainerHandle chx)
Produces a new array container.
ContainerHandle _conNewArray(ULONG ulDim, ...)
Returns a container handle for an Xbase++ parameter.
ContainerHandle _conParam(XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, BOOL *pbRef)
Assigns the value of a container to another container.
ContainerHandle _conPut(ContainerHandle chDest, ContainerHandle chSrc)
Assigns a NULL terminated character string to a container or creates a string container.
ContainerHandle _conPutC(ContainerHandle ch, CHAR *pcString)
Assigns a character string with an explicit length to a container or produces a new string container.
ContainerHandle _conPutCL(ContainerHandle ch, CHAR *pBuffer, ULONG ulSize)
Assigns a character string as a date value to a container or produces a new date container.
ContainerHandle _conPutDS(ContainerHandle ch, CHAR pcBuffer[8])
Store the default null value of the passed datatype to its container.
ContainerHandle _conPutEmptyData(ContainerHandle chDest, ULONG xppType, LONG length, LONG decs)
Assigns a logical value to a container or creates a new logical container.
ContainerHandle _conPutL(ContainerHandle ch, BOOL lValue)
Assigns a memo character string with explicit length to a container or produces a new memo container.
ContainerHandle _conPutML(ContainerHandle ch, CHAR *pBuffer, ULONG ulSize)
Assigns a floating point number to a container or produces a new numeric container.
ContainerHandle _conPutND(ContainerHandle ch, double nfValue)
Assigns a floating point number with a predefined format to a container or produces a new numeric container.
ContainerHandle _conPutNDF(ContainerHandle ch, double nfValue LONG intDigits, LONG decDigits)
Assigns a long integer to a container or produces a new numeric container.
ContainerHandle _conPutNL(ContainerHandle ch, LONG nlValue)
Releases the memory space of a container which is no longer needed.
XPPAPIRET _conRelease(ContainerHandle ch)
Change the length of a character string container.
XPPAPIRET _conResizeC(ContainerHandle chs, ULONG ulNewSize)
Restore the old workarea using its numeric identifier.
XPPAPIRET _conRestWArea(int oldWArea)
Defines the value returned by the function to Xbase++.
XPPAPIRET _conReturn(XppParamList pList, ContainerHandle chx)
Locks a string container for direct read access.
XPPAPIRET _conRLockC(ContainerHandle chs, CHAR **ppstr, ULONG *pulSize)
Assign the value of a container to a field variable of the current workarea.
XPPAPIRET _conSetCurrentField(CHAR *field, ContainerHandle chValue)
Set new workarea and return the numeric identifier of the old workarea.
XPPAPIRET _conSetCWArea(char *newWArea, int *oldWArea)
Assign the value of a container to a field variable of a specified workarea.
XPPAPIRET _conSetFieldCC(CHAR *warea, CHAR *field, ContainerHandle chValue)
Assign a new value to a specific field variable of a certain workarea.
XPPAPIRET _conSetFieldNC(int warea, CHAR *field, ContainerHandle chValue)
Set new workarea and return the numeric identifier of the old workarea.
XPPAPIRET _conSetIWArea(int newWArea, int *oldWArea)
Assigns a new value to a member variable of an Xbase++ object.
XPPAPIRET _conSetMember(ContainerHandle chObject, char *mName, ContainerHandle chValue)
Assign the value of a container to an Xbase++ memvar.
XPPAPIRET _conSetMemvar(CHAR *name, ContainerHandle chValue)
Determines the number of elements in an array container.
XPPAPIRET _conSizeA(ContainerHandle cha, ULONG *ulSize, ...)
Determines the number of characters in a string container.
XPPAPIRET _conSizeC(ContainerHandle chs, ULONG *ulSize)
Converts an OEM string to an ANSI string.
XPPAPIRET XPPAPIENTRY _conToAnsiCp(CHAR *strAnsi, const CHAR *strOem, ULONG oemLength)
Converts an ANSI string to an OEM string.
XPPAPIRET XPPAPIENTRY _conToOemCp(CHAR *strOem, const CHAR *strAnsi, ULONG ansiLength)
Determines the type of a container.
XPPAPIRET _conType(ContainerHandle, ULONG *ulType)
Determines the type of an array element.
XPPAPIRET _conTypeA(ContainerHandle cha, ULONG *ulType, ...)
Finshs the read or write lock of a string container.
XPPAPIRET _conUnlockC(ContainerHandle chs)
Locks a string container for direct write access.
XPPAPIRET _conWLockC(ContainerHandle chs, CHAR **ppstr, ULONG *pulSize)