Function _conRelease() Foundation

Releases the memory space of a container which is no longer needed.

XPPAPIRET _conRelease(ContainerHandle ch);
ContainerHandle ch
Handle of any container.

The function returns an error code (XPP_ERR_...) when the passed container handle could not be released. If the return value is NULL the operation was successful.


The function _conRelease() releases the memory space of container objects. It must be called for each container which is created with the container API. New containers can be created not only from the _conNew...() functions, but also from the _conPut...() functions and from _conArrayGet(). The release of a container handle produces only one error: when the passed value is not a container handle of an existing container. After its release the container handle can no longer be used.

The function _conParam() does not create a new container for reference parameters. Therefore if pbRef is used you have to check that the parameter is not passed by reference before you call _conRelease().

Creates array with 10 elements and assigns the numerical value 42 to 
the 10th element. 
#include "xppcon.h" 

XPPAPIRET       xr; 
ContainerHandle hArray, 

hArray = _conNewArray(1, 10); 

if (hArray != NULLCONTAINER) 
/* Produces numeric container */ 
hValue = _conPutNL(NULLCONTAINER, 42); 

xr = _conArrayPut(hArray, hValue, 10, 0); 
if (xr != 0) 
   /* ... error handling */ 
/* ... */ 

if (hValue != NULLCONTAINER) 



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