Function _conNewArray() Foundation

Produces a new array container.

ContainerHandle _conNewArray(ULONG ulDim, ...);
Number of dimensions of the new array (at least 1).
. . .
The remaining arguments must be of the ULONG type and indicate the number of elements in each array dimension. Note:There must be exactly as many values indicated as there are dimensions defined with <ulDim>.

Returns the handle of a new array container when the operation is successful. The function returns NULLCONTAINER when insufficient memory is available for the new array container.


A new container of the type array is created with _conNewArray(). The array created can have any number of dimensions and any number of elements in each dimension. The theoretic limit is ULONG_MAX (= 4,294,967,295). Very large arrays may significantly slow down the garbage collection.

Each container created with the _conNewArray() function must be released with _conRelease() when it is no longer needed. If it is not released, memory space is lost which can not be recovered by the garbage collector.

Creates an array with 1 x 2 x 10000 elements and 
determines the error if the operation fails. 
#include <xppcon.h> 

ContainerHandle  hArray; 
XPPAPIRET        xr; 

hArray = _conNewArray(3, 1, 2, 10000); 
if (hArray == NULLCONTAINER) 
xr = _conLastError(); 
/* ... error handling */ 
/* ... operations with the array container */ 



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