Function _conGetMemvar() Foundation
Assign the value of an Xbase++ memvar to a container.
ContainerHandle _conGetMemvar(CHAR *name,
ContainerHandle chDest);
This function returns the handle of a container holding the value of the requested memvar.
The function _conGetMemvar() is used to assign the value of an Xbase++ memvar to a container.
#include <windows.h>
#include "xppdef.h"
#include "xpppar.h"
#include "xppcon.h"
XPPRET XPPENTRY MyCAPIFunction(XppParamList paramList)
{ /* Declare and initialize variables */
ContainerHandle chValueA = _conGetMemvar( "VALUEA", NULLCONTAINER );
ContainerHandle chValueB = _conGetMemvar( "VALUEB", NULLCONTAINER );
/* Now swap values. */
_conSetMemvar( "VALUEA", chValueB );
_conSetMemvar( "VALUEB", chValueA );
/* Release containers. */
_conRelease( chValueA );
_conRelease( chValueB );
/* Xbase++ code */
PUBLIC ValueA := 1
PUBLIC ValueB := 2
? ValueA, ValueB
? ValueA, ValueB
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