Function _conArrayPutA() Foundation

Assign the value of a container to an element of an array of any dimension.

XPPAPIRET _conArrayPutA(ContainerHandle chArray,
                        ContainerHandle chValue,
                        int *index);
ContainerHandle chArray
Handle of a container of array type whose element is to have its value changed.
ContainerHandle chValue
Handle of a container which has the new value.
Integer* index
index is a 0-terminated field of integers that describe the array index. For example, if the value of element [1][2] of the Array chArray has to be changed, index has to point to a field {1,2,0}.

The function returns an error code (XPP_ERR_...) when the operation was not successful, otherwise the return value is NULL.


The function _conArrayPutA() is used to change the values of array elements. Xbase++ arrays can contain elements of different types. The value of the passed container chValue is merely copied into the array element defined by the field pointed to by index.

#include <windows.h> 

#include "xppdef.h" 
#include "xpppar.h" 
#include "xppcon.h" 

XPPRET XPPENTRY MyCAPIFunction(XppParamList paramList) 
/* Declare and initialize variables */ 
ContainerHandle chArray; 
ContainerHandle chDest; 
ContainerHandle chOldValue; 
BOOL bchArrayRef; 
int index[] = { 1,2,0 }; 

/* Get array from parameter list. It is expected to */ 
/* be the first parameter.                          */ 
chArray = _conParam( paramList, 1, &bchArrayRef ); 

/* Get old value from array field [1,2]. */ 
/* A two dimensional array is expected.  */ 
chOldValue = _conArrayGetA( chArray, NULLCONTAINER, index); 

/* Prepare container */ 
chDest = _conPutC( NULLCONTAINER, "New Value" ); 

/* Store new value to array field [1,2] */ 
if (_conArrayPutA( chArray, chDest, index)) 
  /* Operation unsuccessful... */ 
  /* ...handle the error.      */ 

/* Return old value */ 
_conReturn( paramList, chOldValue ); 

/* Release containers */ 
_conRelease( chArray ); 
_conRelease( chDest ); 
_conRelease( chOldValue ); 

/* Xbase++ Code */ 
LOCAL aMyArray := { {"A", "A"}, ; 
                    {"B", "B"}, ; 
                    {"C", "C"}  } 


? aMyArray 

? MyCAPIFunction( aMyArray ) 

? aMyArray 

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