Function _conEvalB() Foundation
Evaluates a code block.
XPPAPIRET _conEvalB(ContainerHandle chres, ContainerHandle chb,
ULONG nParams, ...);
Returns NULL when the code block was called successfully. Otherwise an error value is returned (XPP_ERR_...). If errors occur during execution of the code block, the error code block is called. Note: If the error code block causes a BREAK, the return value of _conEvalB() is XPP_ERR_BREAK. If the error can be rectified by the error code block, the return value is NULL.
Using this function any code block can be executed.
Executes a code block passed as a parameter, passing it a single
#include <xppcon.h>
ContainerHandle chCodeblock, chResult, chx;
Reads Parameter 1
chCodeblock = _conParam(<pList>, 1, NULL);
if (chCodeblock != NULLCONTAINER)
Creates containers for the call
chResult = _conNew(NULLCONTAINER);
chx = _conPutC(NULLCONTAINER, "Argument for the code block");
if (chResult != NULLCONTAINER && chx != NULLCONTAINER)
attempt to evaluate the code block ...
xr = _conEvalB(chResult, chCodeblock, 1, chx);
if (xr == 0)
/* Evaluates the result of the code block ... */
error handling ...
(Parameter possibly not a code block?)
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