Group Eval API
Calls an Xbase++ function with parameters.
XPPAPIRET _conCall(ContainerHandle chres, char *pszFuncName, ULONG nParams, ...)
Calls a method of an Xbase++ object.
XPPAPIRET _conCallMethodPa(ContainerHandle chResult, char *mName, ULONG numParams, ContainerHandle *chParams)
Calls an Xbase++ function.
XPPAPIRET _conCallPa(ContainerHandle chResult, char *funcName, ULONG numParams, ContainerHandle *chParams)
Compares two containers.
XPPAPIRET _conCompare(LONG *cmp, ContainerHandle ch1, ContainerHandle ch2)
Compares two strings up to the specified length.
LONG _conCompareStr(char *ps1, ULONG nlen1, char *ps2, ULONG nlen2)
Evaluates a code block.
XPPAPIRET _conEvalB(ContainerHandle chres, ContainerHandle chb, ULONG nParams, ...)
Executes a macro expression in a container.
XPPAPIRET _conEvalMacro(ContainerHandle chres, ContainerHandle chcMacro)
Execution of a macro expression in a string.
XPPAPIRET _conEvalMacroStr(ContainerHandle chres, char *pszExpr)
Registers DLL written in C at load time
BOOL XPPAPIENTRY _conRegisterDll(ULONG dllHandle, XppDllRegistration *pDllRecord)
Registers C-API functions at runtime
XPPAPIRET XPPAPIENTRY _conRegisterF(XppRegisterFunction *funcs, int numOfFuncs, XppRegisterTable *tbl)
Unregisters DLL written in C before unload
BOOL XPPAPIENTRY _conUnRegisterDll(ULONG dllHandle)
Unregisters C-API functions at runtime
XPPAPIRET XPPAPIENTRY _conUnRegisterF(XppRegisterTable *tbl)
Describes the data required for registering a DLL
typedef struct { XppRegisterFunction *xppFuncs ULONG numFunc MomHandle funcHandle XPPDLLFUNC createFunc XPPDLLFUNC destroyFunc void *userData } XppDllRegistration