Function XppDllRegistration Foundation

Describes the data required for registering a DLL

typedef struct {
      XppRegisterFunction *xppFuncs;
      ULONG                numFunc;
      MomHandle            funcHandle;
      XPPDLLFUNC           createFunc;
      XPPDLLFUNC           destroyFunc;
      void                *userData;
} XppDllRegistration;
The pointer to a static table of XppRegisterFunction entries. See _conRegisterF(). If the value is NULL, numFunc must be set to zero.
The number of entries in the xppFuncs table. If numFunc is zero, the value of xppFuncs is ignored.
This value is reserved for internal use. Do not use this handle.
The address of a function which will be called after the DLL is loaded. The function will get the <userdata> passed as a parameter. A value of NULL will be accepted to indicate "no function to call"
XPPDLLFUNC is defined as:
A return value greater zero indicates succesfull initialization. If the return value equals to zero, the <destroyFunc> will not be called when the DLL is unloaded.
The address of a function which will be called when the DLL is about to removed from process space. The function will get the <userdata> passed as a parameter. A value of NULL will be accepted to indicate "no function to call". The return value should be greater than zero if succesful. However, it is currently ignored.
A pointer to any type of data or NULL. This pointer will be passed to the <createFunc> and <destroyFunc>.

The XppDllRegistration record describes the data required to register a DLL using _conRegisterDll() . It is defined in xppdef.h.

// ------------------------------------------------ 
// see _conRegisterDll() 


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