Function _conUnRegisterDll() Foundation
Unregisters DLL written in C before unload
BOOL XPPAPIENTRY _conUnRegisterDll(ULONG dllHandle);
The function returns TRUE if the unregistration was succesfull. If FALSE is returned, the DLL probably was never registered using _conRegisterDll() .
Unregisters a DLL previously registered via _conRegisterDll() from the Xbase++ runtime. If a <destroyFunc> function was specified in the XppDllRegistration record passed in the corresponding call to _conRegisterDll(), it is called implicitly with <userData> as its parameter before unregistration is performed.
When _conUnRegisterDll() is called, it is very likely that other DLLs are already deinitialized, so calling other C-API functions or even functions of the C-library must be avoided.
Every call to _conRegisterDll() must be matched by a corresponding call to _conUnregisterDll(). This is very important to keep the runtime information of Xbase++ consistent. Failure to do so could lead to unexpectable errors.
// ------------------------------------------------
// C-API code for dynamic unregistration of a DLL
// see _conRegisterDll()
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