Function _conCallPa() Foundation
Calls an Xbase++ function.
XPPAPIRET _conCallPa(ContainerHandle chResult,
char *funcName,
ULONG numParams,
ContainerHandle *chParams);
This function returns NULL if no error occured, otherwise it returns an error code (XPP_ERR_...).
The function _conCallPa() is used to call an Xbase++ function with a variable parameter list. The parameter list is stored in an array and passed over to the Xbase++ function.
#include <windows.h>
#include "xppdef.h"
#include "xpppar.h"
#include "xppcon.h"
XPPRET XPPENTRY MyCAPIFunction(XppParamList paramList)
{ /* Declare and initialize variables */
ContainerHandle chResult = _conNew( NULLCONTAINER );
ContainerHandle chParams[1];
/* Prepare function call */
chParams[0]=_conPutNL( NULLCONTAINER, (LONG)2 );
/* Call function. */
_conCallPa( chResult, "SQUARE", 1, chParams );
/* Return */
_conReturn( paramList, chResult );
/* Release containers. */
_conRelease( chResult );
_conRelease( chParams );
/* Xbase++ code */
FUNCTION Square( nValue )
RETURN nValue * nValue
? MyCAPIFunction()
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