Function _stor() Foundation

Assigns the value NIL to a parameter.

BOOL _stor(XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...);
XppParamList pList
Pointer to the Xbase++ parameter list, which is used to provide access to the parameter.
ULONG ulIndex
Position of the parameter which is to be changed (first parameter is 1).
The remaining arguments are only considered when the specified parameter is an array. They must be of ULONG type. To select an element of the array an index is specified for each array dimension. If the array value itself should be replaced, NULL must be specified as the first value. Note:The end of the array index list must be indicated by incorporating a NULL as the last value in the list.

Always returns TRUE.


_stor() is used to set the value of a parameter to NIL. The new value is only returned to Xbase++ when the parameter was passed by reference. But further checks of the parameter from within the C function by the _par functions show the new value regardless of how it was passed.

Sets a parameter to NIL. 
#include <xpppar.h> 

_stor(<pList>, 1, 0); 


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