Group Parameter API
Determines the number of elements in an array.
ULONG _paralen(XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Determines the type of an array element in a multidimensional array.
ULONG _paratype(XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Copies a character string parameter into the passed buffer.
ULONG _parc(CHAR* cBuffer, ULONG ulSize, XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Determines the length of a character string parameter.
ULONG _parclen(XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Writes a date value as a character string into a passed buffer.
void _pards(CHAR cBuffer[8], XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Determines the value of a logical parameter.
BOOL _parl(XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Returns the value of a numeric parameter as a floating point number.
DOUBLE _parnd(XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Returns the integer value of a numeric parameter.
LONG _parnl(XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Determines the type of a parameter or the number of parameters.
ULONG _partype(XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex)
Sets the return value of the function to NIL.
BOOL _ret(XppParamList pList)
Returns a string as a character string to Xbase++.
BOOL _retc(XppParamList pList, CHAR *cString)
Sets a character string with explicit length as a return value.
BOOL _retclen(XppParamList pList, CHAR *cBuffer, ULONG ulSize)
Returns a character string as a date value to Xbase++.
BOOL _retds(XppParamList pList, CHAR *cDate)
Returns a logical value to Xbase++.
BOOL _retl(XppParamList pList, BOOL lValue)
Returns a floating point numeric value to Xbase++.
BOOL _retnd(XppParamList pList, double nFloatVal)
Returns an integer numeric value to Xbase++.
BOOL _retnl(XppParamList pList, LONG nIntVal)
Assigns the value NIL to a parameter.
BOOL _stor(XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Assigns a character string as the new value of a parameter.
BOOL _storc(CHAR *cString, XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Assigns a character string of explicit length to a parameter.
BOOL _storclen(CHAR *pBuffer, ULONG ulSize, XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Assigns a character string as a date value to a parameter.
BOOL _stords(CHAR* cDate, XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Assigns a logical value to a parameter.
BOOL _storl(BOOL lValue, XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Assigns a floating point numeric value to a parameter.
BOOL _stornd(double nFloatVal, XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)
Assigns an integer numeric value to a parameter.
BOOL _stornl(LONG nIntVal, XppParamList pList, ULONG ulIndex, ...)