Method Html3():formStart() Professional

Mark the begin of an HTML form.

:formStart( [<cName>]      , ;
            [<cTarget>]    , ;
            [<cOptions>]   , ;
            [<cAction>]    , ;
            [<cEnctype>] ) --> NIL
The optional parameter <cName> becomes the value of the nameattribute in the form.
The optional parameter <cTarget> becomes the value of the targetattribute in the form.
The optional parameter <cOptions> is a character string that is inserted into the HTML <form> tag.
The optional parameter <cAction> becomes the value of the actionattribute in the form.
The optional parameter <cEnctype> becomes the value of the enctypeattribute in the form.

The return value of the method :formStart() is always NIL.


This method marks the beginning of a form definition. After this method is called, methods from the "Input" group are used to create dialog elements for user input in the HTML page.

If the form contains html input tags of type file, then the character string "multipart/form-data" must be passed in parameter <cEnctype>. Otherwise the contents of the file is not uploaded to the WAA server.

The optional parameters of this method are used to define values for various attributes of the HTML <FORM> tag. Note that <cAction> defaults to "/cgi-bin/waa1gate.exe".

HTML output:

  <form [name=cName] 
        action=cAction method=post> 


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