Method TBrowse():stabilize() Foundation
Stabilizes the TBrowse object in a series of incremental steps.
:stabilize() --> lStable
:stabilize() returns the value of the instance variable :stable. As long as the display in the browse window is not stable, :stable() is .F. (false). As soon as the display is stable, :stable is .T. (true).
:stabilize() causes stabilization of the display in the browse window in a series of incremental steps. An incremental stabilization means that each call to :stabilize() causes one additional row to be displayed. This provides the ability to interrupt the display mechanism to process user input before the TBrowse object is fully stable. This achieves a more fluid viewing of a file. For example when the user press the PgDn key repeatedly, instead of waiting until the entire screen is completely painted before processing the keystroke, the TBrowse object can instead perform the desired movement immediately, then start the stabilization process again. This gives the appearance of responding instantly to user request.
For a correct display, :stabilize() must be repeatedly called until it returns .T. (true), which indicates that the TBrowse object is stable. A stable TBrowse object means that all appropriate data has been displayed, the browse cursor is highlighted in the correct color, the position of the browse cursor matches the record pointer in the data source, and no more skip operations are pending.
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