Outputs a box on the screen.
Positions the cursor and erases a screen area.
Creates a Get object (entry field) and displays it on the screen.
Displays a menu item and an optional descriptive message.
Output data on the screen or to the printer.
Displays a box with a single or double lined border.
Releases all Get objects in the current GetList array.
Determines the number of Gets in the current Getlist array.
Determines the position of the current Get in the Getlist array.
Class function of the Get class.
Returns the Get object that has input focus.
Applies the key code result of Inkey() to the current Get object.
Executes a code block during input to a Get object.
Determines if AppEvent() or Inkey() is used by the Get system.
Implements the default READ behavior of a single Get object for the event code returned by AppEvent().
Retrieves the screen column position of a Get.
Retrieves the screen row position of a Get.
Retrieves the name of a Get variable.
Applies events to the active Get object.
Simple Get input routine for strings.
Removes input focus from the active Get object.
Returns a reference to the GetList array being used by ReadModal().