Command @...BOX Foundation
Outputs a box on the screen.
@ <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom>, <nRight> BOX <cBoxString> ;
[COLOR <cColor>]
The command @...BOX displays a box at the specified coordinates using the defined characters. The color for the border can be optionally specified. The border is defined using <cBoxString>. The first eight characters are used to display the border. The first character of this string defines the top left corner of the box. The following characters are used to define the border in a clockwise order. The ninth character is used to fill the box. When the ninth character is missing, only the border is output and the screen area within the box remains unchanged.
The command @...BOX sets the cursor to the position <nTop>+1and <nLeft>+1. Row() and Col() then return these new values for the cursor position.
In the file (in the directory \XPP\INCLUDE), various constants are defined for the borders of boxes. The correct display of the graphic characters of box borders requires an appropriate system font be installed.
// The program example displays four boxes, one after another,
// to show various boxes drawn with @...BOX.
#include ""
@ 7,10,17,60 BOX B_SINGLE // single line box in
Inkey(0) // default system color
@ 7,10,17,60 BOX B_DOUBLE COLOR "W+/B"
// double line box in bright
Inkey(0) // white on a blue background
@ 7,10,17,60 BOX B_SINGLE // single line
?? "Box-String:", B_SINGLE // without fill characters
@ 7,10,17,60 BOX B_DOUBLE + Chr(176) COLOR "N/BG"
// double line
?? "Box-String:",B_DOUBLE + Chr(176) // with fill characters
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