Command @...CLEAR Foundation

Positions the cursor and erases a screen area.

@ <nTop>, <nLeft> [ CLEAR [TO <nBottom>, <nRight>] ]
<nTop> is an integer numeric value specifying the top screen row for the area to erase. The four arguments <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom> and <nRight> determine the screen coordinates of the entire area whose contents are erased.
<nLeft> is an integer numeric value specifying the left screen column for the erased area.
If the option CLEAR is not included, only the screen row specified by <nTop> from <nLeft> to MaxCol() is erased.
<nBottom> is an integer numeric value specifying the bottom screen row for the erased area. The default value is MaxRow().
<nRight> is an integer numeric value specifying the right screen column for the erased area. The default value is MaxCol().

The screen command @...CLEAR erases an area of the screen by outputting blank spaces (Chr(32)) in the current default color. The cursor is then set to the position specified by <nTop> and <nLeft> and the functions Row() and Col() return these values. When the option CLEAR is not specified, only the screen row specified by <nTop>, from <nLeft> to MaxCol(), is overwritten with blank spaces. If the TO option is missing, blank spaces are output from the position <nTop>, <nLeft> to the bottom right screen corner.

// The example demonstrates several ways to use 
// @...CLEAR. The screen is first filled with a uniform 
// character. Then, various sections are overwritten with 
// blank spaces in another color. 


   SetColor( "N/BG")        // fill screen 
   @ 0, 0, MaxRow(), MaxCol() BOX Replicate(Chr(176),9) 

   SetColor( "N/G") 

   @  0,25                  // erase only one row 

   @ 20,10 CLEAR            // erase area to bottom/right 

   @ 10,15 CLEAR TO 15,45   // specify all four coordinates 


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