Function Scroll() Foundation

Scrolls up, down, right, or left in a screen area.

Scroll( [<nTop>], [<nLeft>], [<nBottom>], [<nRight>], ;
        [<nRows>], [<nColumns>] )  --> NIL
<nTop> is an integer numeric value specifying the top screen row for the area to scroll. The four arguments <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom> and <nRight> determine the screen coordinates for the scroll area.
<nLeft> is an integer numeric value specifying the left screen column for the scroll area.
<nBottom> is an integer numeric value specifying the bottom screen row for the scroll area.
<nRight> is an integer numeric value specifying the right screen column for the scroll area.
<nRows> specifies the number of rows to scroll vertically. The scroll direction is determined by the sign of <nRows>.
Scrolling Vertically
Value for <nRows> scrolls
less than 0 <nRows> rows are scrolled down
exactly 0 rows are not scrolled vertically
greater than 0 <nRows> rows are scrolled up
NIL when no value for <nRows> and <nColumns> is indicated, the entire screen area is scrolled (equivalent to the command @..CLEAR TO)
<nColumns> determines the number of columns scrolled horizontally. The scroll direction is determined by the sign of <nColumns>.
Scrolling Horizontally
value for <nColumns> scrolls
less than 0 <nColumns> columns are scrolled right
exactly 0 columns are not scrolled horizontally
greater than 0 <nColumns> columns are scrolled left
NIL when no value for <nColumns> is indicated, the value 0 is used

Scroll() always returns NIL.


The screen function Scroll() scrolls a specified screen segment up, down, left or right. The scroll area must be defined within the range 0, 0 to MaxRow(), MaxCol(). When no coordinates are indicated, the entire screen in the area 0, 0 to MaxRow(), MaxCol() is scrolled.

To scroll the screen segment one row up, the top line of the segment is deleted, the remaining rows shift one position upward and a blank line is shown on the bottom row of the screen segment in the default color of the system color determined with SetColor(). Scrolling down, left or right occurs in a similar manner.

Scroll() is a powerful function whose possibilities reach from simple status messages to complex browse displays.

Vertical and horizontal scrolling

// The example displays the numbers 0 to 100 in a screen 
// segment bounded by DispBox(). With the numbers up 
// to 30 scrolling is vertical when the output occurs 
// beyond the bottom row of the output area. The numbers 
// > 30 fill the output area to the right boundary, then 
// scrolling is horizontal. 
// Note the three color values for DispBox(), SAY and Scroll(). 

   LOCAL nRow, nCol, n 

   DispBox(6,10,17,60,1,"W+/B")       // box in bright white on blue 
   nRow := Row() 
   nCol := Col() 

   SetColor("W+/G")                   // scroll in green 

   FOR n := 0 TO 100                  // output numbers 
                                      // 0 to 100 
      @ nRow, nCol SAY n COLOR "W+/R" // display in red 

      nRow ++ 
      IF nRow > 16 

         IF n < 30                    // vertical scrolling 
            Scroll( 7,11,16,59, 1 )   // to n==30 
            nRow := 16 

            IF nCol+20 > 59           // horizontal scrolling 
               Scroll( 7,11,16,59, 0, 10 ) 
            ELSE                      // as soon as display 
               nCol+=10               // no longer fits in box 
            nRow:= 7 




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