Function Scroll() Foundation
Scrolls up, down, right, or left in a screen area.
Scroll( [<nTop>], [<nLeft>], [<nBottom>], [<nRight>], ;
[<nRows>], [<nColumns>] ) --> NIL
Value for <nRows> | scrolls |
less than 0 | <nRows> rows are scrolled down |
exactly 0 | rows are not scrolled vertically |
greater than 0 | <nRows> rows are scrolled up |
NIL | when no value for <nRows> and <nColumns> is indicated, the entire screen area is scrolled (equivalent to the command @..CLEAR TO) |
value for <nColumns> | scrolls |
less than 0 | <nColumns> columns are scrolled right |
exactly 0 | columns are not scrolled horizontally |
greater than 0 | <nColumns> columns are scrolled left |
NIL | when no value for <nColumns> is indicated, the value 0 is used |
Scroll() always returns NIL.
The screen function Scroll() scrolls a specified screen segment up, down, left or right. The scroll area must be defined within the range 0, 0 to MaxRow(), MaxCol(). When no coordinates are indicated, the entire screen in the area 0, 0 to MaxRow(), MaxCol() is scrolled.
To scroll the screen segment one row up, the top line of the segment is deleted, the remaining rows shift one position upward and a blank line is shown on the bottom row of the screen segment in the default color of the system color determined with SetColor(). Scrolling down, left or right occurs in a similar manner.
Scroll() is a powerful function whose possibilities reach from simple status messages to complex browse displays.
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