Class Get() Foundation
Class function of the Get class.
The class object generates Get objects using its class method :new().
Get objects provide a mechanism for formatting, interactive editing and validation of data. The edited data may be contained in memory variables or database variables. The Get object does not directly access the data. Instead, the Get object accesses data by evaluating a special code block, termed the data code block. The data code block provides the means by which a Get object reads the value of a variable into its edit buffer and writes a changed value back to the variable.
When a Get object receives focus, it evaluates the data code block to copy the value of the variable to its edit buffer. Get object methods provide the means to navigate through the buffer, change the data stored there, and to write the changes back to the variable. Other methods provide the means to validate the data before and after editing.
When using the @...GET command, Get objects are automatically created with a data code block that accesses the variable referenced by the GET clause. When Get objects are instantiated using the class method get():new(), a data code block must be manually coded. The @...GET command stores each newly created Get object in the public array GetList. The READ command passes a reference to the GetList array to the function ReadModal(). ReadModal() is the default Get object processing routine, within which individual Get objects in the GetList array are used to edit data.
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