Constant | Description |
XBP_DISP_MODELESS | Window is not modal |
XBP_DISP_APPMODAL | Window is modal application wide |
XBP_DISP_SYSMODAL *) | Window is modal system wide |
Method XbpCrt():setModalState() Foundation
Defines the XbpCrt window as "modal" or "non-modal".
:setModalState( <nStatus> ) --> lSuccess
This method returns the value .T. (true) if the window status could be set, otherwise .F. (false) is returned.
The method :setModalState() sets the "modality" of the XbpCrt window. The user can leave a non-modal window at any time simply by clicking the mouse in another window. A modal window, however, must be closed before any other windows can be activated. The method :getModalState() can be used to determine the current modality of a window.
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