Method XbpCrt():setFrameState() Foundation

Sets the display state of the XbpCrt window.

:setFrameState( <nStatus> ) --> lSuccess
The value passed as the parameter <nStatus> must be a #define constant from the XBP.CH file. The available constants are shown in the following table:
Constants for the display status of a XbpCrt window
Constant Description
XBPDLG_FRAMESTAT_MINIMIZED Window is displayed as an icon
XBPDLG_FRAMESTAT_MAXIMIZED Window is displayed in the maximum size
XBPDLG_FRAMESTAT_NORMALIZED Window is displayed in the normal size

This method returns the value .T. (true) if the display status of the XbpCrt window could be changed, otherwise .F. (false) is returned.


The method :setFrameState() explicitly sets the current display state of the XbpCrt window. The available states are: minimized, normal, and maximized. The current display state is generally the result of the user clicking the minimize, normal, or maximize pushbutton in the title bar of the XbpCrt window. The current display state can be determined using the method :getFrameState().


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