Method XbpCrt():new() Foundation

Creates an instance of the XbpCrt class.

XbpCrt():new( [<oParent>]  , [<oOwner>]   , [<aPos>]  , ;
              [<nRowCount>], [<nColCount>], [<cTitle>], ;
              [<lVisible>] ) --> oXbpCrt
<oParent> optionally specifies the parent for the XbpCrt object. By default, <oParent> is the active window, which is the return value of SetAppWindow().
<oOwner> optionally specifies the owner for the XbpCrt object. By default, <oOwner> is the same as <oParent>.
<aPos> := { nX, nY }
The parameter <aPos> optionally specifies the position where the XbpCrt object is displayed. The array {0,0} is used by default. This specifies the position for the lower left corner of the XbpCrt object. The first element contains the x coordinate and the second element contains the y coordinate. The coordinates are relative to the coordinate system of <oParent>.
<nRowCount> optionally specifies the maximum number of text mode rows for the XbpCrt object. The default is 25, which means a maximum of 25 lines can be addressed using text based functions and commands. The value of <nRowCount> is the same as the value MaxRow()+1.
<nColCount> optionally specifies the maximum number of text mode columns in the XbpCrt object. The default is 80, which means a maximum of 80 columns can be addressed using text based functions and commands. The value of <nColCount> is the same as the value MaxCol()+1.
<cTitle> is an optional character expression specifying the characters that are displayed in the title bar of the XbpCrt window. The default value is a null string (""). This means that if <cTitle> is not specified no text is displayed in the title bar.
The parameter <lVisible> determines whether the XbpCrt window is visible immediately after the call to the method :create(). By default <lVisible> is .T. (true) and the window is displayed after :create() is executed. This default behavior can be suppressed by specifying the value .F. (false) for the parameter <lVisible>. In this case, the window must be explicitly displayed using the :show() method.

The class method :new() returns an XbpCrt object.


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