Method AutomationObject():setProperty() Foundation

Sets the value of a property

:setProperty( <cName> | <nID>, [<xParam, ...>] <xValue> ) --> xValue
<cName> is the name of the property.
<nID> is the numeric ID identifying the property. The ID of a property can be queried by the method :getIDsOfNames()
<xValue> is the value that to be assigned to the property.
xParam is a comma-separated list of additional parameters that is passed to the property of the connected COM/ActiveX component.

:setProperty() returns the property value passed.


:setProperty() is used to set a value of a property exposed by a COM/ActiveX component. In case a property is accessed that is not member of the connected COM/ActiveX component, a runtime error is generated.

Normally, :setProperty() need not be called directly by applications. Instead, property values can be assigned via the assignment operator (:=).

// Property assignment via method :setProperty() 
oAuto:setProperty( "Prop", oProp ) 

is equivalent to

// Property assignment via assignment operator 
oAuto:prop := oProp 

Calling :setProperty() is required when accessing a property of a COM/ActiveX component that has the same name as an instance variable of the AutomationObject. Using :setProperty() is also required to when more than one value must be passed for qualifying the property of the connected COM/ActiveX component.

The first parameter profile

:setProperty( <cName> | <nID>, <xValue> ) --> xValue 

directly corresponds to normal property access via the assignment operator, eg.:

oCOM:Test := 1 

The second parameter profile is used for accessing properties that require parameters for qualification. To access a cell in a grid, for instance, the corresponding call to :setProperty() might look as follows:

oGrid:setProperty( "Cells", nRow, nCol, "Cell Value" ) 

When values are assigned to a property, then Xbase++ data types are automatically converted to COM/ActiveX data types. See the method :callMethod() for further reference.


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