Method AutomationObject():setLBound() Foundation

Sets the lower boundary for COM SafeArray parameters.

:setLBound( [<nLBound>] ) --> nOldLBound
The optional numeric parameter <nLBound> specifies the lower boundary of COM SafeArrays which are created for method parameters or property values of a COM/ActiveX component. By default, this value is 1.

:setLBound() returns the old lower boundary setting.


The method :setLBound() can be used to change the lower boundary of all parameters having the COM SafeArray type which are passed to the COM/ActiveX component. This setting only needs to be changed if a COM/ActiveX component has special requirements or limitations which prevent it from working correctly with the default setting.

An example of such a scenario are .Net components which expose their interfaces via COM Interop. These require a specific lower boundary to be set via:setLBound(0). Otherwise, parameter errors may result when calling methods having parameters using the COM SafeArray type.

Note that the lower boundary setting is automatically inherited by the child objects created by a COM/ActiveX component. This means that the lower boundary usually only needs to be set for AutomationObjects created via GetObject() and CreateObject(). Any object created by these AutomationObjects as a result of a method call or property access automatically inherits the parent's lower boundary setting.


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