Method AutomationObject():invoke() Foundation

Invokes a method or property.

:invoke( <cName> | <nID>, <nNamedArgs>, <nFlags> [, <xParam, ...>] ) --> xValue
<cName> is the name of the method or property to invoke.
<nID> is the ID of the name or property to invoke and can be queried by the method :getIDsOfNames().
<nNamedArgs> is a numeric value. It must be one (1) in case one value shall be assigned to a property. It must be zero (0) for retrieving a value from a property or if a method is to be called.
<nFlags> is a combination of constants specifying the operation to be performed by :invoke().
Values for nFlags
Constant Usage
DISPATCH_METHOD Call a method or set a property with more then one parameter
DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET Get a property value
DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT Set a property value
DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF Set a property value by reference
  1. defined in
<xParam> is a comma separated list of arguments to be forwarded to the element specified in <cName> or <nID>.

The result depends on the return value of the method or property that is invoked. In case a method or property is invoked which is not known to the ActiveX component, a runtime error occurs.


:invoke() can be used to accessing elements of a COM/ActiveX object. This element can be either a method or a property. A property can be invoked for read or write access.

Normally, :invoke() does not need to be called directly. The methods :callMethod(), :setProperty() or :getProperty() should be used instead.

When methods are called or properties are accessed, then Xbase++ data types are automatically converted to/from COM/ActiveX data types. See the method:callMethod() for further reference.


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